
Holly Hunter was an American actress who became famous due to her roles in films Broadcast News The Firm The Piano The Incredibles. Her movie Piano won her an Oscar. Actresses have an extensive experience of performing on Broadway, Off-Broadway and other projects. She has had a passion for acting from the time she was in high school. Her first role in a show in the fifth grade was in Helen Keller. The fifth grade was the year that following a bout of mumps, she lost hearing in the left ear. However, she did not let it stop her from performing. She studied drama at college before moving from Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania to New York City to follow her dreams. She ran into Beth Henley in an elevator and they worked together to make Broadway Crimes of the Heart, Hunter's first film. As she relocated into Los Angeles, Hunter tried to find film roles. The role of a supporting actress was securing in Swing Shift. Holly Hunter has been in a number of movies, television shows and movies over the course of a 30 year career. Holly Hunter won a star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, in addition to her Women in Film Lucy Award.

Holly-Hunter Holly-Hunter Holly-Hunter Holly-Hunter Holly-Hunter Holly-Hunter Holly-Hunter Holly-Hunter Holly-Hunter Holly-Hunter


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